"Which Awards Sparkle with Prestige as They Return After a Long Hiatus?"
We are now a few years beyond a significant event that altered the world, yet some aspects have taken longer to return to normal. For the Betty's, the return of two prominent awards had been delayed, but we are thrilled to announce that the nominations for the Duval Lang Theatre for Young Audiences Award and the Dean Ott/ Debbie Boult Award are now open for nominations for the 2023-2024 season.
These two awards are independent of the core Betty's and as such the nominations that were submitted for previously missed seasons are still in consideration.
You might be wondering, "What are these awards?" and we have an answer for that.
Many people do not realize this is not exactly a lifetime achievement award! Although, we certainly appreciate and welcome nominating someone who has given their life's work to Technical Production in Calgary this honour can also be given to an exceptional individual who you feel exemplifies the qualities of excellence in areas like stage management, stage carpentry, production management, running crew, wardrobe, lighting, and/or sound technicians.
Can you think of someone that you just thought, "Goodness, I wish I could give you an award you did just an amazing job!" or "Wow, we could not have done (insert impossible artistic feat that needed practical application here) without you!" or "They created something from nothing, I wish there was an award for that!" This is for them.
This award recognizes an individual or group of individuals for their outstanding contributions or significant achievements in Theatre for Young Audiences in Calgary. In collaboration with Quest Theatre and the Betty Mitchell Awards, the honoree is recognized for embodying the qualities of commitment, leadership, creativity, enthusiasm, and innovation, while showcasing outstanding performance in the realm of youth theatre. The honour includes a commemorative statuette and a financial prize of $2,000.00 CAD.

New Website, Who This?
Have you had a chance to check out our website recently? The Betty Mitchell Awards website has undergone a brand new redesign in celebration of its 25th Anniversary! We aim for this updated look to be modern, sleek, and user-friendly for easy navigation.
We haven't jumped on the AI band-wagon yet, so if you spot any errors or missing information, our team of humble humans would love to hear from you so we can continue to improve your experience. We've even added a new "Let's Chat!" feature in the bottom right corner of the site for your convenience!

2023-2024 Eligible Shows
In addition to the return of two dearly missed awards we also wanted to let you know that the list of this season's eligible productions is now available on our newly re-styled website. If you have an upcoming performance and feel the production may qualify we encourage you to submit an application for consideration.