Calgary, AB, March 19, 2018– The Betty Mitchell Awards Board has come to a unanimous decision to move the awards presentation to June 25th, 2018. This decision was not made lightly and comes after much deliberation and discussion regarding the opinions and feedback of our community stakeholders.
With this change in date will come a few changes to our eligibility and rules guidelines, see below for changes:
2. Administration
b) The Betty Mitchell Awards Season runs from June 1st to May 30th annually.
3. Production Eligibility
a) (…) The Board member in charge of the Nomination Committee will contact all eligible companies from the previous season (PACT or otherwise) no later than April 30th of each year to remind companies to submit eligible shows for the upcoming season.
7. Passports
d) At the conclusion of the Season, members of the public whose passports show they have attended twenty-five (25) Eligible Productions may submit their Passports to the Betty’s accounting firm by June 6th.
Juried Awards & Outstanding Achievement Awards deadline is May 1st. Meetings will be called to select a recipient from all nominations before June 1st .
The new guidelines & rules currently only affect three eligible productions in the 2017-2018 season. It was agreed upon by the Board that the three productions still meet the minimum public performance requirements (see clause 3) of a production prior to the new eligible season dates, and therefore will still be considered eligible in the current Betty Mitchell Awards Season.
The Board of The Betty Mitchell Awards is a group of volunteer community members that have dedicated their time to ensuring a successful season, year after year.
If you would like more information about this, please contact